Preparing for the Expense of Long-Term Care

Martha’s handout on protecting your assets and the well-being of yourself and loved ones in the event you require long-term care.

MaineCare Eligibility

A “Guide to MaineCare Eligibility” (a joint project of Consumers for Affordable Health Care  and Maine Equal Justice Partners) to help you navigate Maine’s Medicaid Program.

Special Needs Trust

A Handbook for Trustees (2019) from the Special Needs Alliance, to assist parents in running these trusts for their disabled children.

ABLE Accounts

Information on tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families. Maine does not have an ABLE Account yet, but parents can contribute to them in other states.

Our New Location

29 Second Street, Suite 1
Presque Isle, Maine 04769

Aroostook Elder & Family Law


Open Mon - Fri
9 am – 5 pm
Closed Sat - Sun